Monday, March 15, 2010


Dear friends yesterday I had posted a blog about how coaching institutes use the students studying there as a money making machine or a bearer cheque, we can say.
I received some scraps and comments related to it.
Thank you.
I am happy that you are making my efforts successful to save students from being used.
I am sorry that I cannot write name of any particular coaching institute here.
It is happening almost in all coaching centers, weather they are reputed ones or small ones, especially in metropolitan cities like Delhi and NCR.

Now the question is what to do???
How to stop it???

I thought as well as discussed with some good and experienced people and came to an answer....

The best possible way to stop it is awareness among students who are seeking admissions. Because, they think that there coaching institute is helping them in making there career. Coaching Institutes also present themselves in the same manner they are the best well wisher of students.
A example from real situation is....
A B-school is providing discount of about Rs.25000 to those students who have scored above 80%ile in MAT.
In this case the coaching institute which is promoting that B-School is telling the students that they are getting the discount because they are students at that center and so many things like this......

So spreading awareness will make the students to know that these institutes are not there well wishers but money makers.
All these statements are just to misguide them.

There is one more way.....
The students need to visit the college themselves but not individually, in groups as coaching institutes are sending them.
Go and talk to the management directly, that you know the realty that College is paying to Coaching Institute. So in spite of paying to coaching institute, allow discount to each student on his/her fee. Say that, if you will allow discount then the group will take admission otherwise not.
Believe me all these institutes are just for making money. All are like shops which are selling degrees, the difference is that some one is charging more, someone less.
If you talk to final year students there, initially they say that the college has placed them if you will ask more deeply either that student will ignore of finally say....DEKHO YAAR PLACEMENT APNE DAM PR HOTI HAI...TUMHARE ME KITNA TALLENT HAI....AUR AGAR AAP YE SOCHTE HO KI YAHA ADMISSION LE KAR Rs.30000 - Rs. 35000 ki JOB MILJAYEGI TO BHUL JAAO.... Rs. 20000 MIL JAYE BAHUT HAI...

Think frnds.... you pay a huge amount of about Rs.7,00,000 to a college by borrowing loan or it is hard earn money of your parents; Rs.50,000 of which is paid to coaching institute.
If you pay it by borrowing loan then how will you repay it with a salary of just Rs.20000 or Rs.25000 per month.
You are going to earn for these banks for next 2-5 years.

So the best way is to make colleges to bring there fee down. Pay you that money which they are paying to someone you have already paid. Its your money which is going to coaching institute.
Don't you think its wrong. Ask it to yourself.
You are asking for that money which is yours, there is nothing wrong.
It just needs unity and a little bit courage.

Believe me I have tried the same, I did it alone and I was successful in convening them for allowing discount to the student if I take admission in a group of at least 5-6.
Its only because they want money.
After all we are not getting discount either if we go through Coaching........
So whats the risk in trying it.
I have visited colleges,met students, peeped inside them to know what they were not ready to tell.
If you want more information related to it then please leave a comment with your feedback and questions.
If you want neutral advice about any college then write to me at
....Please be think before following the directions of your coaching institute blindly. They are just using you.
Pass this information to as many students as you can...pass my blog id so that they can read it themselves.

Alok Upadhayay

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  1. so what should we do yar???????????

  2. its somewhere true but coaching centres are rocking...... and now are every student is in condition that he can acheive education at higher level without paying more..... school dont satisfy a student as i know.... the teacher of school also inspire to do coaching.... and what you would say on it....


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