Thursday, April 15, 2010

Google Acquires Plink, a Mobile Visual Search Engine

Google has recently acquired a ‘mobile visual search’ startup from UK which goes by the name of Plink. This is the first time a Google acquisition has set foot in UK. Plink has announced this on the Plinkart blog and their twitter account. The financial details of this acquisition have been kept secret though.

The official blog post at the PlinkArt blog says,

We have some very exciting news – Plink has just been acquired by Google.

We started Plink to bring the power of visual search to everyone, and we’re delighted to be taking a big step towards that goal today. Google has already shown that it’s serious about investing in this space with Google Goggles, and for the Plink team the opportunity to take our algorithms to Google-scale was just too exciting to pass up.

Plink founders claim its Android app has been downloaded over 50,000 times in the last four weeks. The two founders of Plink, PhD students Mark Cummins and James Philbin, will now join the Google Goggles team and help enhance their own product under Google.

Plink was first noticed by Google when they won a sum of $100,000 from the Android Developer Challenge in December. Plink is currently available as a popular Android app named PlinkArt which is similar to Google Goggles.

(Via: TheGuardian)
TAGS: Android app, Google Acquires, Plink, PlinkArt
Source: Techie Buzz

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1 comment:

  1. Hey Alok ... thnx for visiting my blog ..

    well I suppose there is something wrong with the facebook and orkut links in ur sidebar .. :|


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