Sunday, October 23, 2011

Unknown Emptiness

Feeling every second of this night passing like sand from hands...bit by bit... and with a battle of thoughts in my mind, I was just staring at the clock on the front wall of my room...
Had just written an article for my friend, made diary entry for the day and now I was trying to have some sleep but there was something missing. There was something that was making me feel gap has occurred somewhere in my life. 

"Ahhh....let it be what ever it is... who cares...Its nothing but just tiredness, I am missing nothing but some rest, nothing else. All I need is just some sleep, I have to rush to office tomorrow." I said to myself. But still, I was unable to go to my dreamland...
I just thought, better if I write a couple of lines, if it could help me to find out what is running in my subconscious. I started, and the first line what I got in my mind was - 

आज गर होती एक मुकम्मल दुनिया अपनी...
तो क्या बात होती....

That's it !!
Really, it is the thing I am looking for???
If yes, then why ?? Why so?? From where I have got this battle in my mind ??
Suddenly I remembered a couple of verses,I had written a couple of months ago...incomplete verses... I must really say thank you to the one who has spoken that line as a torment to me as well as my creations, but today  he reminded me about those verses and I had got answer of my question up to some extent.

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