Sometimes, the brightest ideas come during flashes of distraction. If you find yourself interrupted in your quest for your goal, do not allow yourself to get angry. Instead, try to find the opportunity in the interruptions. When you lose your train of thought, the universe gives you the chance to reorganize your priorities, your problems and your goals.
Never Say Good Bye ...Dear friends, In our life, sometimes the moments come, when we need to get apart form someone we love, care for and think about the most...Much more t…Read More
Life - Teaching New Lesson Every Moment
बिखरे पन्नों में देखो गुज़रे लम्हों की..
कि एक मुकम्मल दास्तां है उन अधूरे लफ्ज़ों में...
Most of the times we do somethings just to have some fun …Read More
Life - Teaching A New Lesson Every Momentहम तो बस ये ही मानते रहे,जिंदगी बस हमसे ही ख़फ़ा है,निकल कर दुनिया के बाज़ार में,देखे जो रंग जिन्दगी के,तो ये एहसास हुआ....इस सफ़र में हमराही और भी है…Read More
Life - Teaching New Lesson Every Moment
Do not be satisfied with yourself ever!
To be successful in life, there must be a constant desire for improvement. It does not have to be difficult.…Read More
The Pain That I Feel Within...दर्द(The Pain of losing you)What happens when you are just on the verge of holding your goal in your own hands and suddenly all the ways seems to be…Read More
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