Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Colors of Life

While checking the updates of my Facebook account and going through the views of my friends over my status updates... I found some lines written by one of my friends that made me remind one of my poems, I had written a long time ago... about in July 2010.
Yeah... here it is in my diary... 

From the pages of Safar - The Journey
Date - 2010/7/22

Colors of Life

I had never thought that things will ever change like this. Those people, who used to be my best buddies will ever behave like strangers... that everything will end up like nothing was ever there...
Yeah... I have seen.....  I have seen people changing with time, the relations turning to disasters with the flow of time... but I had never thought that it will ever happen to me...

I have just only one question ....  WHY???
Why people lie... why people become selfish... why they cheat just for baking their own cakes... WHY ??
Why people first make others to believe in a relation...  to have some expectations and then just play with all the emotions and feelings one have... and finally when all done break everything like pieces of broken glass... which even hurts when one collects those pieces...
Why all this....

All I am getting in my mind... all I can say.. If I have to say something in brief ... then here it is...

ज़िन्दगी की राह में हमराह बदल जाते है ...
रास्ते वही बस मुकाम बदल  जाते है...
दौर बदलता है तारिखिओं में ...
बदलते दौर में ख्यालात बदल जाते है....

Yeah...  It happens... at least now I can say so.... 

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