A Beautiful Dream... Was It You ??
Safar-The Journey
March 4, 2011
Alone in my room...had nothing to do, except missing those moments I had ever spent with the one who is not with me, but still I was feeling that we were together...as distance were no bars...as close as I could feel my breath...
These lines are one of those I had ever written in my favorite coffee house, while enjoying some beautiful moments...that are just a beautiful story now.... like it was a dream I had ever seen. Well, sometimes I really think that it was a beautiful dream, I have ever. Which just vanished with time, but somewhere deep down my heart, its still there... making me feel like those days.....
I suddenly got these lines once again in my mind and thought to post it here...just a way I could find the best to say...
6:22:00 PM
Alok Kumar Upadhayay, Desire, EMOTIONS, Feelings, Life-Teaching a New Lesson Every Moment, MY FEELINGS, Safar spirit to Move Ahead, Safar-the journey

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