Colors of Life
इस कदर बदलते है लोग मुखौटे कि...
शक होता है अब तो वजूद पर भी उनके..
'Rang-E-Zindagi' OR 'Colors of Life'... I had written it a long time ago...almost 2 years...
At that time I had never expected that the situations will be same again... time will be feeling the need to teach me same lesson again that most of the people in this world has got nothing but 'n' number of masks and keep on changing with time.I had a great morning today... enjoyed the dawn with cool breeze during my walk, chit-chat with friends... made plans for evening for some outing. Seems all was going great... but life had got something else today..something happened today... just a call from one of my friends and it was more than enough to almost spoil my GOOD wali MORNING...
And made me to write above lines as well as refreshed.. the abve poem..
Yeah... 2 years.. but seems nothing has changed.. except masks..
I really feel the last lines right...
"पलटते है पन्ने जिंदगानी के जब हम..
कहानी वही, बस किरदार बदल जाते है..."
11:07:00 AM
Alok Kumar Upadhayay, EMOTIONS, Emptiness, Feelings, Life-Teaching a New Lesson Every Moment, Loneliness, MY FEELINGS, Safar spirit to Move Ahead, Safar-the journey
