Life -Teaching A New Lesson Every Moment
Are you also getting little bit bored today... are you feeling that there must be something different in life today that could save you from the boring activities of daily life???
Then try this recipe...I just tried it...
Just add a little more depth to your thoughts while doing your tedious tasks. It will save you from being trapped in a particular pattern and will make the moments interesting too.
Turn up your radio, tune to a new radio station other than your fav. or some other things...
Let things mix up i your mind like dancing people on music... give it some will keep your mind and life fresh.....
- Alok Kumar Upadhayay
Let things mix up i your mind like dancing people on music... give it some will keep your mind and life fresh.....
- Alok Kumar Upadhayay

2:08:00 PM
Alok Kumar Upadhayay, Blogs, Life-Teaching a New Lesson Every Moment, Safar spirit to Move Ahead, Safar-the journey

hmmmmmm perfect ... just tried it too...
ReplyDeletethnx :)