Monday, June 25, 2012

Life - Teaching A New Lesson Every Moment

"You never get a chance... It needs to be created...
Success never comes to you... you need to cover that journey...
So what...if its a long and lonely way to go...
Just keep on moving...and moving and moving... and one day...
the world will be following you...."

- By Maa
In the pages of Safar-The Journey

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  1. Always finish the task you have started, no matter what the problem is. Just finish whatever you started...
    It happens with many of us, that we become scattered because we start a new project before finishing the old one. In this way we just keep on things pushing in pipeline.
    With time our mental to-do list keep on editing itself... until it reaches a point of an avalanche of unfinished business. And the end there is nothing but just a junkyard of incomplete work and unfinished business...
    I have just edited my to-do list and eliminated a lot of it by finishing it one by one in recent days...
    Believe me I am feeling so lite... So, my dear friends... I will suggest to check you’re to do list and finish the unfinished business...No matter what is on that list... just finish it! You will feel better too....

  2. Hii..
    Thnks for your visit..
    But your updates are of one of my previous posts -

    :) :)


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