Friday, March 8, 2013

Womens' Day - We Need To Do Alot More To Celebrate It

International Women's Day, a day that celebrates the achievements of women across the world for the them. They, who are the most beautiful and admirable creation of the almighty and his gift to the mankind. 
Hereby, I want to say thanks and show my gratitude to all the known and unknown women for all they did for mankind as Mother, Sister, Friend, Love, Peer... and all the other ways, they have been making the life on this earth beautiful. 
A woman plays an all-enveloping character of a mother, daughter, wife and sister as a friend, nurturer, guide and partner from time to time. Indeed a woman’s essence lies in her innate ability to care, love and sacrifice for the other. Emotional and vulnerable, sometimes erratic, sometimes serene, she displays a wonderful range of emotions from being patient to being extremely courageous in times of crisis.  
What I love most about women is the perfect mix. The ultimate sensuality combined with nurturing, the cute naughtiness combined with caring, the vivacity coupled with quiet understanding. Once I read some beautiful lines about must have read it but still...I would like to share those lines... "A women.. you can feel her in each and every part of your life in different ways.... Her Blessings in form of Grandmother, her Divinity as a Mother, her Passion in form of Beloved, her Dedication as a Wife, her Warmth, as a friend, her Care as a Sister.." 
It's really admirable how they are so wonderfully giving, caring and loving. The love, which is unconditional and forever. I have also experience that no matter how much they been by hurt by someone but once they forgive, they really forget. They don’t dig out the heavy artillery, even when they have the best opportunities to do so.
However, its really an irony that, we celebrate this day only as women's achievements. We must also think of the problems that women sadly face all too often in India and across the world. I'm talking particularly about issues like violence against women and girls, domestic violence and abuse that takes place outside of the home. 
Come lets do it... All we need is to change attitudes and it can be only by working together. Government will do its bit but we all need to do our bit too. So speak out, stand up against violence against women and girls and that's the way we can eradicate it. 
All I can say in brief is - Its only a heart of a woman, which makes her so charming, so sharing, so naughty and so melodious like anything. She is the live image of tenderness, care, and wisdom. No matter what happens.. she is always adorable and admirable. She is always beautiful like butterflies on flowers.... 
On this day. I want to say THANK YOU to all of you... for making the life on earth so beautiful..... Come lets make a difference, think globally and act locally !! Make everyday International Women's Day. Do your bit to ensure that the future for girls is bright, equal, safe and rewarding.
Alok Kumar Upadhayay

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