Safar - The Journey
As the life move on we move on...sometimes with our loved ones sometimes leaving them behind, no one can deny this fact. The darkest side of this fact is that most of the times one finds himself on such a crucial point where he needs to decide its what or who he has to say good bye...
Yeah, in this journey of life its an irony that we never know what's next. Meeting, leaving behind, chasing, holding...happily...sad.. alone or not... but have to move ahead if its life...
All I think is... if we have to move ahead... then why alone ??? Why in pain of loneliness....lets move together... so what if it will be for a shorter duration... so what if only a few steps... but believe me... it will do nothing but make it some of the wonderful memorable moments....
From the pages of Safar-the Journey
By +Alok Upadhayay
By +Alok Upadhayay
9:13:00 PM
Alok Kumar Upadhayay, EMOTIONS, LOVE, Poems, Safar spirit to Move Ahead, Safar-the journey

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