Sunday, January 12, 2014

Life - Teaching A New Lesson Every Moment

The world is such a scary place. Sometimes it seems like it has got nothing but anger...violence....and its Pandora Box.
It can be terrifying, when you're out there in it.
But if you know where to look for it...
The world also has warmth
The world has joy in it....
All you need is to find a place that allows you to experience that joy.
And when you find people, that make you feel safe and loved, like you belong...
You don't walk away from it.

You fight for it...  
Yeah.. that's what life is... Its not just about staying alive. Its about staying lively.

Sometimes, I take it like this... 
"Every job has its problems... and if staying lively is the job with these problems... I would love to fight for it rather than moving away.

- From pages of - Safar-The Journey

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