Friday, March 18, 2016

The Bucket List - Tale of Buckets - Part 3

My shower, Mr Jaquar was talking to me at 4:00 am about the problems of things in my bathroom. Sitting there on the floor, I was listening every word. He continues. 

Ms Rin struggles every night to keep herself dry to survive for next day, sinking partially in the water collected in her case. No one bothers to empty the water in her case. Do you know, she likes Mr Fiama Dewils very much but you keep him so far, in another corner, locked in his case. 
Mr Brush here, he never wanted to be a father, he never got married, but yet based on your stupid commercials, you have made him a father of your kid's brush. You, people, use him till his last breath for cleaning your teeth, then your combs then jewellery then toilets... you keep on killing him even when he is already out of breath. 

And Mr. toothpaste, you people squeeze his neck in your own comfortable manner in random ways. Air filled in him due to this keep on irritating him. He never says a damn word, but cannot you squeeze him from one side. He will feel more relieved. 

Mr Facewash, Mr Shampoo and Mr Conditioner, these 3 brothers are considered as the luckiest family members. You all use them in so sophisticated way. They are so proud that, they are the only brand you have not changed in last 2 years. But some members of your family, pour water in them and keep on diluting them. Then they curse them for not doing their job properly. 

Have you ever tried to listen the crying sound of my brothers beneath me? My Shower pointed towards the taps. They feel most ignored in this world. You people, keep on turning their neck now and then, and sometimes you don't even do it properly. The echo of water dripping in the silent dark nights is actually their tears, but you will never understand. 

Now, these clothes and undergarments hanging there, full of your odour of your sweat and humidity due to it. Cannot you just let them little dry out in the air before hanging here? Also, why you people always consider your undergarments the second class, when they are only one closest to your body and bear all of it. 

Mr Cera over there, Mr Jaquar pointed towards wash basin. He has to bear your filth ever morning before any of us. But no one ever cares to clean him up as well as his pipe. All the crap has collected in his pipe like unsolved cases in your courts. Please clean him up. 

Our drain pipe cap, the poor chap; even after 38 holes, he feels like he is always having constipation. 
He bears all the crap of this bathroom, the foam of soap and shampoo, floor washing chemicals and all other things very bravely. Even he knows the exact mark of dehydration of almost everyone in your family if you ask. He bears all of it, but your most weak hair make him feel weak. He feels like suffocating with them stuck in his holes. He wants to stay clean and keep on singing his "Pani Wala Song". 
And last - the problem of all of us, most of the times, the last user never switch off the lights, like today. Due to this, we have to spend sleepless nights. "

"That's all we want. A little care. This is all we have in our bucket list collectively. Said the buckets. We take care of you, behave the way you want and all we expect is a little care and maintenance. " Mr. Shower said. 
After that, there was a long pause... everything was silent and I was thinking..... be contd... 


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