Sunday, May 8, 2011

Maa, You Are My World, My Life..Happy Mother's Day

हाथों की लकीरें बदल जाएँगी,        
गम की यह जंजीरें पिघल जाएँगी,
हो खुदा पे भी असर, तू दुआओं का है घर,
माँ, मेरी माँ, प्यारी माँ...
बिगड़ी किस्मत भी संवर जायेगी,
ज़िन्दगी तराने ख़ुशी के गाएगी,
तेरे होते किसका डर, तू दुआवों का है घर,
माँ, प्यारी माँ.... 
Mother... the very first word a child ever learns to speak....
Mother... the very first word we utter when we are in grief....
Mother...  a sacred word, respectable all over the world....
Mother... first person who make us to move in our life.
Mother is a divine word which is known for sacrifice,love,affection,devotion and attachment. Mother is the only one who ever thinks the best for her child no matter what. She can do anything for her child. She starts taking care of her baby even it is unborn. She just dream only to gift her child a best world to live. She starts dreaming about the kid's career from the very first day when her child opens his eyes in this world. She is the first teacher of us, who teaches us everything that we need to put our first step in this world... Mother always gives us direction so that we may not get in any trouble. Maa is always there to hold our hand when ever we are in difficulty. You must have experienced, no matter what happens, you must have always found your mother with you, to support you.She is the very first person who think about us. She sacrifices her own leisure so as to make her child delighted. She always wish for her kid's prosperous life.
If you ever want to feel like heaven, just go and put your head in your Maa's lap. I can say this because I feel it daily, when I return from my workplace. I am 22, still I love to spent few moments while feeling my Maa's love and care for me. You know, there is no alternative for Maa. 
It has been written in our holy books that the almighty God has created us... then its mother, who is God, because she has brought us in this world.
For me my Maa comes even before the God. Because the God can plan happiness & sorrow both for me, but I know that my Maa will always think for happiness of mine.
For me, my Maa is my ideal, my belief, my motivation and everything. Whatever I am, its all due to her.
She is my everything, she is my world....
All I want to say today is...
O Maa !!  I just want to live like a kid through out my life. The kid, who tries to walk by holding your fingers in his small hands, falls and then you take him in your lap. I never want to be away from your love, care and blessings.
तू ही मेरा सारा जहां  है..
तू ही मेरे रब की तरह है...

Tujhe Sab hai pataa hai naa maa........meri maa... 

Wish you a very happy mother's day...  Thank you Maa....

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  1. hmmmmmm its vry nice bro.............
    i feel it evry tym.....no1 cnt live without her\his mom.............
    i love u mom
    thankx bro to giv vry special line on mothers day........

  2. hay.. thanks alot,,,
    I dont know, who you are.. still.. thanks a lot for your views...


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