Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Life - Teaching A New Lesson Every Moment

27 Dec 2011, 3:00 AM

It was a busy day today, little bit bad too....just because someone just passed torments just considering it to be fun, but somewhere deep inside it hurt me alot...
Yeah.. it hurts when after all your efforts someone passes ridiculous comments about your work, your efforts... about you.. .
Had a word with my Maa in late evening discussed with her about the day. As usual, I am feeling better after talking to her... .
She just said, remember one thing... just move ahead.. be the best and all these ridiculous things will never appear in your life...
"And how it will happen??" I asked. 
Just as it happened to every great personality in this world, rest you know... you have got everything... and you can do it.. I know you can...

3:30 AM ..........
Not feeling sleepy and have no novels to read. The best option in this case is to read my e-diary and I am doing the same....Scrolling through the pages of my e-diary, I just stopped at a page, written in bold, distinct from the page... I found this....
This was what Maa was saying.....

July 15, 2010

"If Someone has to be the best...the most successful..number one, then why not you???
You have all the same things the greatest of people have, hands, feet, a brain, 24 hours and the ability to use all of them. Then what is stopping you? Move ahead.. the peak is waiting for you... but will not wait forever...."
- Maa

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