Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Fifty Shades of Grey - The Short Review

I bought it coz people were talking about it.. naahh.. actually murmuring about it. Now as I am done with Part 1 of this trilogy, I am wondering from where to start.
There is no baseline for the story. The characters, aahh.. the lead characters - Mr. Grey & Ms. Ana, both has got nothing like reality.
Personality of both is confusing.
Oh!! Wait.. it’s a total fantasy BETTER SAY EROTIC FICTION that too written so clumsily and poorly constructed..

The Dialogues are so unreal and boring that it made insomniac like me to feel like to yawn so many times.

Now, about the plot - Well there is no plot at all. So, if you think that its about BDSM (Bondage Domination Submission And Masochism), well it’s not. If you think how childhood abuse can affect s*x life later, again its not. Is it about romance... sorry dear, its again a big nooo.. The message is totally unclear.
About BDSM Its just totally overblown information about it.
So..If you are a person looking for some real story with some meaningful plot or really loving romance then reading this may be a disastrous idea for your expectations.
However, if you are looking for some erotic sex story with a lot of fantasy (unreal fantasy) then definetly its gonna be your sleeping partner...

Review about remaining two will be here soon.

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