Women - A Beautiful Gift to Mankind from the God
माँ, सुता, बहन, पत्नी, हर रूप में हूँ मैं,
तुम्हारी ज़िन्दगी के हर लम्हे में हूँ मैं,
पर कभी ये तो बताओ, क्यों हूँ मैं ???
हम बस इतना ही कह पाए...
मेरी दुनिया, मेरे लम्हों में ग़र तू ना होती,
तो मेरी साँसों को भी ज़िन्दगी से मोहब्बत ना होती...
-- आलोक कुमार उपाध्याय...
-- आलोक कुमार उपाध्याय...
Women, the most beautiful and admirable creation of the almighty and his gift to the mankind.
Hereby, I want to say thanks and show my gratitude to all the known and unknown women for all they did for mankind as Mother, Sister, Friend, Love, Peer... and all the other ways, they have been making the life on this earth beautiful. A woman plays an all-enveloping character of a mother, daughter, wife and sister as a friend, nurturer, guide and partner from time to time. Indeed a woman’s essence lies in her innate ability to care, love and sacrifice for the other. Emotional and vulnerable, sometimes erratic, sometimes serene, she displays a wonderful range of emotions from being patient to being extremely courageous in times of crisis. What I love most about women is the perfect mix. The ultimate sensuality combined with nurturing, the cute naughtiness combined with caring, the vivacity coupled with quiet understanding.
Once I read some beautiful lines about women...you must have read it but still...I would like to share those lines...
"A women.. you can feel her in each and every part of your life in different ways....
Her Blessings in form of Grandmother, her Divinity as a Mother, her Passion in form of Beloved, her Dedication as a Wife, her Warmth, as a friend, her Care as a Sister.."
I am thankful to the God for showering his blessing as My Honorable Granny--who loves me alot.....My Respectable Maa --who has given me this wonderful life and making me efficient enough sometimes by love and being soft, sometimes by being tough and scolding me and any other way she felt the best for me......My Dear Aunts --we are favorite of each other.....My Adorable Cousins--angles from heaven for me...My Best Friend - the special one, who is inspiration to all my words and have made my life beautiful and has always been with me, each and every moment to share all my joy and grief and to hold me (I know u r there).... My respectable Teachers and My dear friends...
I have been experiencing my life in a wonderful way with the above.
Including all the known and unknown women, this post is specially dedicated to My Maa and the One…who has influenced my life the most.
I have spent so many moments with my Maa and my best friend and what I can say from my inner heart with my experience, for them is......It's really admirable how they are so wonderfully giving, caring and loving. The love, which is unconditional and forever. I have also experience that no matter how much they been by hurt by someone but once they forgive, they really forget. They don’t dig out the heavy artillery, even when they have the best opportunities to do so.I can say this because I have got this experience. I am short tempered. Sometimes in anger I badly hurt the other party... but thanks to them, who rather than showing attitude, help me and support me by holding me to overcome.
I have experienced it so lovely, both of them manage to hear me out for hours, no matter whenever I call or say.. I am missing you and want to talk to you...I hardly remember, if she has ever passed judgments on my creations or had said that, Alok, you are wrong. Even if I was wrong or had behaved like the worst jerk in the world (I confess, sometimes I really do). Whenever I have asked for opinion about my decisions, she gave it without managing to make me feel worm.
I have felt there smile, the real smile, no pretenses, the smiles from heart and the words from her eye, a loving smile, really the complete one. It suits her.. The smile, I can easily read saying "My dear, Whatever you are, however you are, I love you."
I have never been able enough to understand the unsaid.. to know the unspoken.. I tried alot, but I hardly remember the single incident I have understood that, what she want me to understand without saying... But she never complained..AM I RIGHT??? (This question is for the one.. who know me, what am I).
All I can say in brief is -
Its only a heart of a woman, which makes her so charming, so sharing, so naughty and so melodious like anything. She is the live image of tenderness, care, and wisdom. No matter what happens.. she is always adorable and admirable. She is always beautiful like butterflies on flowers....
On this day. I want to say THANK YOU to all of you... for making the life on this earth so beautiful.....
8:33:00 PM
Alok Kumar Upadhayay, Blogs, EMOTIONS, Feelings, LOVE, Maa, Mother, MY FEELINGS, Passion. Life, RELATIONS, Safar spirit to Move Ahead, Women's Day

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